The New Now YOUNG x GRASnacht x Rizoom

de Doelen, Asko|Schönberg, and Rizoom present new makers together
  • Sun 1 Dec ’24
    Jurriaanse Zaal
  • €3,75 service costs excluded per order. Read about the exchange policy here.

The New Now YOUNG is the place for discovering a new generation of makers. 

Sometimes still rough, sometimes very beautiful, but always innovative and surprising. This edition of The New Now YOUNG revolves around Rizoom makers, and the markers who worked with Ask|Schönberg in the GRASpunt. 

GRASpunt is an industrial hangar in the north of Amsterdam where Asko|Schönberg rehearses. The young, pioneering makers who experiment and create in this space are usually presented twice a year during their own GRASnight. Now GRASnight comes to Rotterdam for The New Now YOUNG.  
The makers of Rizoom (a collaboration for young, innovative makers between de Doelen and other podia, festivals and ensembles) will also open the doors of their rehearsal room. They will try out new fragments of their music and make you feel part of their music in progress. 
Who the makers will be and what the programme will look like will be announced later in the year. So, keep an eye out for updates on this page.

Rizoom is for makers in the contemporary music world, and everything it touches. As individual or as a collective, self-taught or educated. De Doelen is a partner of the Rizoom-network.