Fri 20 Dec ’2420:15Grote Zaal
Sun 22 Dec ’2414:15Grote Zaal
Sparkling brass, roaring timpani and a jubilant chorus: Bach's Christmas Oratorio falls regally at the door. From that radiant beginning, the wonders thread themselves together: heavenly chorales, an enchanting echo duet, the trio "Ach, wenn wird die Zeit erscheinen" full of longing and comfort - and the Christmas story unfolds in all its glory. Heartwarming music in the darkest days of the year.
Bach Weihnachtsoratorium:
Cantate 1
Cantate 4
Cantate 2: sinfonia
Cantate 5
Reinhard Goebel conductor | Elisabeth Breuer soprano | Anna Lucia Richter mezzo-soprano | Laurence Kilsby tenor | Felix Mischitz bass | Laurens Collegium choir