Erasmus Film and TV Quiz

From theme song to superhero
  • Thu 23 May ’24
    19:30 - 21:45
    Studio 8 de Doelen Stadslab

Movie trivia, iconic theme songs, and a full round on superheroes! Just a small taste of what you’ll need to brush up on before you take part in the next Erasmus Film and TV Quiz. Get your team together and join!

On the 23rd of May it is time for the next edition of our Erasmus Film and TV Quiz. This time we joined forces with Etienne Augé (Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication) and Barry Fitzgerald (TU Eindhoven) who are scientific experts when it comes to superheroes. So, expect a dedicated round on the science of superheroes, but also trivia galore, tons of iconic scenes, and movie music madness!

Think you can win it all? Or just in for a night full of fun? Then sign up your team of max 5 and join us for lots of laughs, fierce competition, some frustration (“It’s on the tip of my tongue”) and to compete for that amazing prize!

Dr. Etienne F. Augé is principal lecturer in international communication at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. He teaches intercultural communication, film studies, and science fiction and is the founder of CHIFT (Community for Histories of the Future).

Dr. Barry Fitzgerald is biophysicist and author of ‘Secrets of Superhero Science’ and ‘Secret Science of Santa Claus’.

Together they wrote the book Superheroes in which they discuss and argue the origin, popularity, and future of the superhero.