Sun 15 Dec ’2411:00 - 17:00Willem Burger Hal
Tickets normal € 4,50
Waluw Vintage Market Xmas Edition
Sustainable, creative and totally contemporary
The Waluw Vintage Market X-mas Edition takes place 10 days before Christmas, which is Sunday, December 15. Plenty of time to acquire original Christmas gifts and unique outfits. Right in the middle of Rotterdam, in the beautiful iconic Doelen and a stone's throw from Central Station.
For the sixth Doelen edition, December 15, the Willem Burger hall and ballroom of the Doelen will be the place to be. There, visitors can search endlessly for vintage, bric a brac, curios, vinyl, design & fashion. The cream of the vintage crop will be present with newfound treasures.
Fabulous fashion, mid-century design and bric a brac, old school vinyl. Curator and Target stylist Chris Igesz will ensure that no visitor goes home empty handed, his keen eye for style and quality makes Waluw Vintage Market a unique event in town. As visitors have come to expect, an excellent lunch from Maher's Kitchen will again be available and renowned DJ Richelle Soigni, Monica Electronica and Gregory Vyent will spin their favorite tracks.
Waluw Vintage Market
Zondag 15 december,
11.00 – 17.00 uur
Locatie: Willem Burger Hal, van Mandele(horeca) Feestzaal
Ingang: Willem Burger zaal, Kruisplein 30, Rotterdam
Drinks, falafel, hangop en pannenkoeken van Mahers Kitchen en zoete lekkernijen van Waluw
Entree in voor verkoop: €4,50 excl. Servicekosten (website de Doelen)
Entree bij de deur: €5,50
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