
a vibrant space for BIPOC lesbians and their communities
  • Sat 27 Jan ’24
    doors open
    de Doelen Studio

Sacreligious serves as an inclusive and vibrant space for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) lesbians and their communities, with a particular emphasis on individuals facing multiple layers of marginalization. It provides a platform where members can engage in open discussions, celebrate their sensuality, and express themselves through the joy of dance. 

The primary goal is to create a genuine sense of community, allowing individuals to connect on a deeper level with others who share their unique experiences. Sacreligious recognizes the importance of real connections, so we seek to go beyond digital interactions.

Sacreligious strives to be a space where individuals can explore and celebrate their identities without judgment, embracing the diverse aspects of their lives. By creating an environment that encourages both self-expression and understanding, the community endeavors to break down barriers and build connections outside of the boundaries of society's norms.

House Rules

be aware of your privilege

Sometimes you gotta realize that you shouldn’t be the center of the room and let people more marginalized than you take up more space (bipoc, trans, disabled, gnc people etc)

we don’t allow any type of ism or phobia

If you exhibit any bigotry you will be asked to leave

ask for consent

Whether it be for a dance, kiss or just a picture

say if you feel unsafe!

Say something to the staff, they are here to help

be who u areeeeee!

Feel safe to dress, act and be as yourself! And let others do so too!